무선사업자들의 신세대 공략 전략(미국사례를 중심으로)

New Strategies of Wireless Carriers for Youth Market

  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


As intensifying competition alters the dynamics of the wireless industry and carriers begin to tap out traditional subscribers-business users and early adopters-wireless operators have come under pressure to begin expanding their target subscriber base. While alternative market segments such as youths, senior citizens, and lower-income or credit-challenged customers often offer less compelling fundamentals (i.e., lower average revenue per user and higher churn rates), carriers, in their race to increase market share, can no longer overlook these potential market segments. In particular, the youth market is a very appealing market segment for carriers to focus on for several reasons. Carriers in many parts of the world have already begun recognizing the compelling advantages of concentrating on youths and teens. This paper will examine the dynamics of the youth/teen population and what attributes make this group an appealing market for wireless carriers. In addition, it will take a look at new emerging technologies that may help carriers attract the youth market especially mobile data, entertainment applications, and wireless messaging. This paper also studies the sensation that carriers in Europe and Japan are achieving with the youth population and suggests how carriers in Korea can emulate that success.
