OO농수산물유통센타 경관조명 설계안 및 Simulation 분석 평가

A Study on the Simulation analysis and design concept of Exterior Lighting at the OOAgricultural& fishery Circulation Center

  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


Changing to a 24-hour urbanistic life style, a night time activities constituted for a major portion. Important of a beautiful exterior lighting as well as safety, and security concerns become increasingly. However, the removal or control of the excessive lighting is considered more important then increasing the brightness of the lamps to achieve bother safety and security. Representing a cheerful and leisure environment from the exterior lighting can also harmonize two aspects of energy saving and sustaining green environment. Designing of exterior lighting at the OO Agricultural & Fishery Circulation center symbolizes the suitability, convenience and production. It's design and analysis represent the optimum urban night time environment.
