한국지능정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference)
- 한국지능정보시스템학회 2001년도 The Pacific Aisan Confrence On Intelligent Systems 2001
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- Pages.272-277
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- 2001
A Method for Information Source Selection using Teasaurus for Distributed Information Retrieval
- Goto, Shoji (Dept. of Intelligence and Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology) ;
- Ozono, Tadachika (Dept. of Intelligence and Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology) ;
- Shintani, Toramatsu (Dept. of Intelligence and Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
- 발행 : 2001.01.01
In this paper, we describe a new method for selecting information sources in a distributed environment. Recently, there has been much research on distributed information retrieval, that is information retrieval (IR) based on a multi-database model in which the existence of multiple sources is modeled explicitly. In distributed IR, a method is needed that would enable selecting appropriate sources for users\` queries. Most existing methods use statistical data such as document frequency. These methods may select inappropriate ate sources if a query contains polysemous words. In this paper, we describe an information-source selection method using two types of thesaurus. One is a thesaurus automatically constructed from documents in a source. The other is a hand-crafted general-purpose thesaurus(e.g. WordNet). Terms used in documents in a source differ from one another and the meanings of a term differ depending on th situation in which the term is used. The difference is a characteristic of the source. In our method, the meanings of a term are distinguished between by the relationship between the term and other terms, and the relationship appear in the co-occurrence-based thesaurus. In this paper, we describe an algorithm for evaluating a usefulness of a source for a query based on a thesaurus. For a practical application of our method, we have developed Papits, a multi-agent-based in formation sharing system. An experiment of selection shows that our method is effective for selecting appropriate sources.