BDI Architecture Based on XML for Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems

  • Lee, Sang-wook (Department of Computer Science, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Yun, Ji-hyun (Department of Computer Science, Kyungpook national University) ;
  • Kim, Il-kon (Department of Computer Science, Kyungpook national University) ;
  • Hune Cho (Department of medical Informatics, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2001.01.01


Many intelligent agent systems are known to incorporate BDI architecture for cognitive reasoning. Since this architecture contains all the knowledge of world model and reasoning rule, it is very complex and difficult to handle. This paper describes a methodology to design and implement BDI architecture, BDIAXml based on XML for multi-agent systems. This XML-based BDI architecture is smaller than any other BDI architecture because it separates knowledge for reasoning from domain knowledge and enables knowledge sharing using XML technology. Knowledge for BDI mental state and reasoning is composed of specific XML files and these XML files are stored into a specific knowledge server. Most systems using BDIAxml architecture can access knowledge from this server. We apply this BDIAXml system to domain of Hospital Information System and show that this architecture performs more efficiently than other BDI architecture system in terms of knowledge sharing, system size, and ease of use.
