Dynamic Network routing -an Agent Based Approach

  • Published : 2001.01.01


Modern day networks are increasingly moving towards peer to peer architecture where routing tasks will not be limited to some dedicated routers, but instead all computers in a network will take part in some routing task. Since there are no specialized routers, each node performs some routing tasks and information passes from one neighbouring node to another, not in the form of dumb data, but as intelligent virtual agents or active code that performs some tasks by executing at intermediate nodes in its itinerary. The mobile agents can run, and they are free to d other tasks as the agent will take care of the routing tasks. The mobile agents because of their inherent 'intelligence'are better able to execute complex routing tasks and handle unexpected situations as compared to traditional routing techniques. In a modern day dynamic network users get connected frequently, change neighbours and disconnect at a rapid pace. There can be unexpected link failure as well. The mobile agent based routing system should be able to react to these situations in a fact and efficient manner so that information regarding change in topology propagates quickly and at the same time the network should not get burdened with traffic. We intend to build such a system.
