배전계통 전압/무효전력조정을 위한 새로운 전압/무효전력제어 방식

A New Volt/Var Control of Substation for Distribution Volt/Var Regulation

  • 최준호 (숭실대학교 전기공학과 전력계통연구실) ;
  • 김재철 (숭실대학교 전기공학과 전력계통연구실) ;
  • 손학식 (숭실대학교 전기공학과 전력계통연구실) ;
  • 임태훈 (숭실대학교 전기공학과 전력계통연구실)
  • Choi, Joon-Ho (Power System Lab., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Chul (Power System Lab., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Son, Hag-Sig (Power System Lab., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Im, Tae-Hoon (Power System Lab., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University)
  • 발행 : 2001.07.18


In this paper we proposed the on line volt/var control schemes of the load Tap Changer (LTC) transformer and shunt capacitor bank for distribution volt/var regulation. In the existing volt/var control of the distribution substation, the voltage of feeders and var of distribution systems is mainly controlled by the LTC transformer tap position and on/off status of the shunt capacitor. The LTC and shunt capacitor bank has discrete operation characteristics and therefore it is very difficult to control volt/var at the distribution networks within the satisfactory levels. Also there is limitation of the operation times of the LTC and shunt capacitor bank because it is affects on their functional lifetime. The proposed volt/var control algorithm determine an optimal tap position of LTC and on/off status of shunt capacitors at a distribution network with the multiple feeders. The mathematical equations of the proposed method are introduced. Simple case study was performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
