비선형 유전율의 측정

Measurement of Nonlinear Dielectric Constant

  • 발행 : 2001.07.18


In this study a measurement equipment was designed and made for the nonlinear dielectric constants in dielectrics. The determining method of the nonlinear dielectric constants also was proposed. The measurement equipment was consisted of the wave generation part, the high voltage amplifier part, the measurement part and the data acquisition part. In this equipment the measurement control and the data processing could be conducted by computer. In order to determine the nonlinear dielectric constants alternating sign-wave electric fields are applied to dielectrics with different magnitude and the waves of the electric fields and the response from dielectrics are stored in computer memories. The harmonics of dielectric displacement are obtained by the Fourier transformation of these waves. The nonlinear dielectric constants are determined at the relatively low-field region. The experiment for PZT ceramic samples was done by the equipment and the determining method and as the result meaningful data were obtained.
