Spectro-electrochemical Analyses of Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase

Glucose Oxidase 고정화에 대한 전기화학적/광학적 분석

  • Published : 2000.05.13


In the case of immobilizing of glucose oxidase into polypyrrole (PPy) using electrosynthesis, the glucose oxidase (GOx) forms a coordinate bond with the polymer's backbone. However, because of intrinsic insulation and net-chain of the enzyme, the charge transfer and mass transport are obstructed during the film growth. Therefore, the film growth is dull. We synthesized the enzyme electrode by electropolymerization added some organic solvent, A formative seeds of film growth is delayed by adding the solvent. The delay is induced by radical transfer between the solvent and pyrrole monomer. In the case of adding ethanol, the radical transfer shares the contribution of dopant between electrolyte anion and GOx polyanion. This may lead to increase amount of immobilized the enzyme in ppy. However, adding tetrahydrofuran (THF), the radical transfer is more brisk, resulting in short chained polymer. Therefore, the doping level is lowered and then amount of immobilized of enzyme is decreased. For the UV absorption spectra of synthetic solution before synthesis and after, in the case of ethanol added, the optical density was slightly decreased for the GOx peaks. It suggests amount of GOx in the solution was decreased and amount of GOx in the film was increased. We established qualitatively that amount of immobilization can be improved by adding a little ethanol in the synthetic solution. It is due to radical transfer reaction. The radical transfer shares the contribution of dopant between small and fast electrolyte anion and big and slow GOx polyanion.
