기계식 타이머 밸런스 휠의 진동 주파수 측정 및 조정 장비의 개발

Development of a oscillating frequency measurement and adjustment system of a balance wheel of Mechanical Timer

  • 이돈진 (부산대학교 지능기계공학과) ;
  • 박수범 (부산대학교 지능기계공학과) ;
  • 안중환 (부산대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.20


A system for measuring and adjusting the oscillating frequency of a balance wheel whick determins the accuracy of mechanical timers. The balance wheel oscillates rotatively suspended by a hair spring which is welded at the other end to the pivot tube. The natural oscillatory frequency of the balance wheel is determined by the length of hairspring from the balance wheel to the point if other parameters the length in the torsional oscillation model are not changed, so the frequency of the balance wheel can be adjusted to meet a requirement by the adjustment of the hairspring length using ultrasonic welding. And the movement of wheel teeth is measured in realtime by a high speed photo fiber sensor and Auto Correlation is used to find a more accurate oscillation period from the measured signal with some variations.
