수직 이송계의 최적 설계에 관한 연구

A Study on Optimal Design of Perpendicular Guideway Mechanism

  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


Perpendicular guideway mechanism has a different behavior with horizontal guideway mechanism due to the slider weight. So, to decrease its weight effect, counter balances such as weight type and hydraulic cylinder type are used. But it can also make another motion behavior by weight rate of slider and counter balance, its connected position. Therefore, it is necessary to find design parameters and analyze their effect. This paper dealt with the optimal design of perpendicular guideway mechanism. For analysis, the theoretic model as same as real machine tool and sib plate to adjust the clearance was used. Rotational angle and displacement of slider, pressure distribution, friction distribution were calculated. Stick slip, intermittent motion of slider according to friction change was adapted to the perpendicular guideway mechanism.
