웹 기반 EDI 시스템 구현을 위한 연구

A Study on the Development of EDI the based on Web

  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


The importance of EDI has been so emphasized that we need exchange/maintain electronic documents effectively, and convert then to other formats. The traditional EDI, however, is facing on the limitation of growth because of it's high expense, and the closenees of sharing information. The EDls of next generation, like open EDI, object-oriented EDI, and Internet EDI, have appeared to solve these problems. Finally, XML/EDl, which is very effective to solve these kinds of problems, is now replacing the traditional EDI and the HTML in Internet and is influencing on e-Business. So, we are going to suggest a solution which uses XML/EDl as a substitute for the traditional one. First, we analyzed the problems of the traditional EDI system and organized the structure of XML/EDl system. Next, we have developed the prototype of Internet bookstore to show the effectiveness and strength of XML/EDl over the traditional EDI.
