베타 프라임 이론에 의한 저유량 필터의 성능 평가

Filtration Performance Evaluation of Low Flow Rate Filters by Beta Prime Theory

  • Lee, Jae-Cheon (Dept.of Automotive Engineering, Keimyung University)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


The contaminant seperation performance of fitters has been widely investigated for many years. However, most of the proposed filter assessment techniques have proven disappointing for practical use. Although the Multipass (Beta) Filtration test method (ISO 4572) provides valuable information in assessing fi ters, it has a limitation on evaluating the increasing family of low-flow and high Beta filters. The limitation stems from two main sources: the over simplified theoretical model and the inherently complicated procedure in analysis of data. Hence a new advanced filtration theory, the Beta Prime developed on a draw-down test basis is applied to predict field operating characteristics of a filter for tractor hydraulic systems in this study.
