프레팅 손상을 받는 물체의 접촉부 정렬에 대한 고찰

A Study on the Alignment of Contacting Bodies subjected to Fretting Failure

  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


The effect of the alignment of the contacting bodies is concerned. Tilting of a body (indenter) is regarded as a mis-alignment. Recently developed method fur evaluating the contact normal traction is introduced and discussed, in which piecewise parabolic profile is considered as a generalized contact profile. Indentation by a wedge with rounded apex is solved as an example problem. In the case of partial slip regime, the variation of shear traction is examined during the closed path of shear force by using the efficient numerical technique. Concentration of the slip region is also investigated. By evaluating the energy dissipation from the contact surface, the effect of the mis-alignment-alignment on wear is discussed.
