Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference (한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2000.10a
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- Pages.733-738
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- 2000
Mixed Mode Crack Propagation using the High Strength Concrete Disk
고강도 콘크리트 디스크를 이용한 혼합모드 균열전파
It is difficult to obtain accurate fracture toughness values by RILEM committees proposed three point bend test(TPB) because the shape of load-deflection curve is irregular and final crack propagation occurs after some slow stable cracking. However, for disk test, fracture toughness is easily obtained from crack initial load. We examined the cracked high strength concrete disk and the experimental results were compared with the results by finite element analysis(FEA). Also we compared experimental fracture locus with theoretical fracture locus.