신형회로망을 이용한 비젼기반 자율주행차량의 횡방향제어

Lateral Control of Vision-Based Autonomous Vehicle using Neural Network

  • 김영주 (전남대 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 이경백 (여수공대 자동차공학과) ;
  • 김영배 (전남대 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


Lately, many studies have been progressed for the protection human's lives and property as holding in check accidents happened by human's carelessness or mistakes. One part of these is the development of an autonomouse vehicle. General control method of vision-based autonomous vehicle system is to determine the navigation direction by analyzing lane images from a camera, and to navigate using proper control algorithm. In this paper, characteristic points are abstracted from lane images using lane recognition algorithm with sobel operator. And then the vehicle is controlled using two proposed auto-steering algorithms. Two steering control algorithms are introduced in this paper. First method is to use the geometric relation of a camera. After transforming from an image coordinate to a vehicle coordinate, a steering angle is calculated using Ackermann angle. Second one is using a neural network algorithm. It doesn't need to use the geometric relation of a camera and is easy to apply a steering algorithm. In addition, It is a nearest algorithm for the driving style of human driver. Proposed controller is a multilayer neural network using Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation learning algorithm which was estimated much better than other methods, i.e. Conjugate Gradient or Gradient Decent ones.
