감아굽힘 시험장치의 제작과 스프링백 비의 시험법에 대한 역학적 검토

A Discussion on Measurement of Springback Ratio Using Winding Bend

  • 김용우 (순천대학교 공과대학 기계·자동차공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


To measure springback ratio of thin sheet or plate, winding bend rig is made. It bends a specimen with keeping its curvature constant and measures the bending angles before and after release of bending load. To check the performance of the bend rig, we calculated the bending moment by two ways which are based on simple beam theory. One is that the bending moment is calculated by using the results of bending test, and the other is that the moment is calculated by using the results of tensile tests. The former may entails the effect of the friction between bending pin of the rig and the surface of specimen, but the latter does not contain any effects of the friction since the bending moment is obtained by using tensile tests. Nevertheless, the values of the two bending moment shows the same level of bending moment, which implies that the friction does not influence on the value of springback ratio in spite of the presence of friction within the cope of the test performed in this experiment.
