무부하 충전케이블 개방시 잔류전압에의한 과전압계전기 동작현상 연구

A Study of Over Voltage Ground Relay Operation Status at Opening of No-load Charged Cable

  • 김영한 (한국전력공사 남서울전력관리처) ;
  • 최종혁 (한국전력공사 남서울전력관리처) ;
  • 윤기섭 (한국전력공사 남서울전력관리처)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.17


Fault current is flowed into 154/23kV M. Tr when line-to-ground fault occurs in power system. NGR(Neutral Grounded Reactor) is set up in order to prevent M.Tr fault by limiting magnitude of fault currents. Here, disconnection of NGR causes voltage increase by L-C resonance and line-to-ground fault in an unearthed system results in voltage increase at healthy phases. So Over Voltage Ground Relay(OVGR) is used for tripping M.Tr. Also, buses at second phases of M.Trs are all connected with section circuit breakers closed for the purpose of parallel operation and load shedding. In case of speciality buses are comprised of power cable in part for GIS connection. When no-load charged cable or bus is open by a section CB, unbalanced voltage charged on the bus is induced. Also discrepant opening time for circuit breakers on different phases gives rise to unbalanced zero sequence voltage. It was observed that this zero sequence voltage detected in the 22.9kV P.T (Potential Transformer for bus) mal-operated 59GT and tripped M.Tr. The zero sequence voltage of which vanishing time is longer than relay operating time came out by EMTDC simulation. Also, it was shown that the voltage waves of actual test are similar to those of simulation. On the basis of above results, R-C circuit complement on the relay without any effect on a power system made operating time of the relay longer than vanishing time of distorted waves. Consequently, operating time of the relay was delayed and magnitude of distorted waves was decreased by increasing time constant of the relay.
