대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 2000년도 하계학술대회 논문집 C
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- Pages.1903-1905
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- 2000
가스분석을 이용한 변압기의 이상진단 알고리즘 연구
A Study of the Preventive Diagnostic Algorithm of Gas in Oil for Power Transformer
- Choi, I.H. (KEPRI) ;
Kweon, D.J.
- Jung, G.J. (KEPRI) ;
- You, Y.P. (KEPCO) ;
Sun, J.H.
(KERI) ;
Kim, K.H.
- 발행 : 2000.07.17
Power transformers have a tendency of ultra-high voltage capacity as power demand increases day after day KEPCO also will have plan to supply transmission power from 345KV to 765KV in the early of 2000. Therefore, the fault by insulation destruction gives rise to large area of power failure in huge capacity transformers. On-line predictive diagnostics is very important in power transformers because of economic loss and its spreading effect. This study presents the algorithm for transformer oil analysis used KEPCO code, IEC code, gas pattern method and Dornenburg & Roger Ratio method. We also describe the MMI display of expert system programmed by Element Expert Tool(Neuron Data Inc.).