주기적으로 울퉁불퉁한 실린더에서 전파하는 비틂 탄성파

Torsional Elastic Waves Propagating in a Cylinder with a Periodically Corrugated Outer Surface

  • 김진오 (숭실대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.07.01


The paper describes a theoretical study on the speed of the torsional elastic waves propagating in a circular cylinder whose outer radius varies periodically as a harmonic function of the axial coordinate. The approximate solution for the phase speed has been obtained using the perturbation technique for sinusoidal modulation of small amplitude. It is shown that the wave speed in the cylinder with a corrugated outer surface is less than that in a smooth cylinder by the square of the amplitude of the surface perturbation. This theoretical prediction agrees reasonably with an experimental observation reported earlier. It is also shown that the wave speed reduction due to the surface corrugation becomes larger for a thinner cylinder and for a bigger density of corrugation.
