확장폭주각 모델을 이용한 음상거리정위의 모델화

Modeling of distance localization using by an extended auditory parallax model

  • 김혜영 (동북대학 전기통신연구소/대학원정보과학연구과) ;
  • 영목장일 (동북대학 전기통신연구소/대학원정보과학연구과) ;
  • 고근소일 (추전현립대학 시스템과학 기술학부) ;
  • 증근민부 (추전현립대학 시스템과학 기술학부)
  • KIM Hae-Young (Research Institute of Electrical Communication , Tohoku University) ;
  • SUZUKI Yoiti (Research Institute of Electrical Communication , Tohoku University) ;
  • TAKANE Shouichi (Faculty of Systems Science and Technology , Akita Prefectural University) ;
  • SONE Toshio (Faculty of Systems Science and Technology , Akita Prefectural University)
  • 발행 : 1999.07.01


This study aims at establishing an digital signal processing technique to control 3-D sound localization, especially focusing our eyes on the role of information provided by Head-Related Transfer Function(HRTF). In order to clarify the cues to control the auditory distance perception, two conventional models named Hirsch-Tahara model and auditory parallax model were examined. As a result, it was shown that both models have limitations to universally explain the auditory distance perception. Hence, the auditory parallax model was extended so as to apply in broader cases of auditory distance perception. The results of the experiment by simulating HRTFs based on the extented parallax model showed that the cues provided by the new model were almost sufficient to control the perception of auditory distance from an actual sound source located within about 2 m.
