저류층 인자가 킥의 감지와 킥의 부피에 미치는 영향

Effects of Reservoir Parameters on Kick Detection and Pit Volume Gain

  • Jonggeun Choe (School of Civil, Urban, and Geosystems Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


As proven petroleum reserves decline through continued production. exploration for new oil and gas resources will extend into environments which present significant economic risks arid technical hurdles. Since safety is one of the biggest concerns in drilling operations. the oil industry routinely trains its personnel in areas which are critical for safe and economical drilling procedures. One of these major areas is well control. A kick is defined as an unscheduled flow of formation fluids into a wellhole. A kick occurs whenever the resultant wellbore pressure is less than the formation pressure in an exposed zone capable of producing kick fluids. The typical causes of reduced wellbore pressure are insufficient mud weight. inadequate fluid level in the hole, and swabbing.(omitted)
