Preliminary Analysis of In-reactor Behavior of Three MOX Fuel Rods in the Maiden Reactor

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Preliminary analysis of in-reactor thermal performance of three MOX fuel rods, which are going to be irradiated in the Halden reactor beginning in the first Quarter of the year 2000 under the framework of the OECD Halden Reactor Programme, have been conducted by using the computer code COSMOS to ensure their safe operation. Parametric studies have been carried out to investigate the effect of uncertainties on in-reactor behavior by considering the four kinds of uncertainties; thermal conductivity, linear power, manufacturing parameters, and model constants. The analysis shows that, in the case of annular MOX -1 fuel, calculation results for thermal performance vary widely depending on the selection of model constants for fission gas release (FGR). On the contrary, the thermal performance of solid MOX - 3 fuel does not depend on the choice of FGR constants to a large extent as MOX-I, because the fuel temperature is very high in the MOX-3 irrespective of the choice of FGR constants and hence the capacity of grain boundaries to retain gas atoms is not large enough to accommodate the number of gas atoms reaching the grain boundaries. It is planned that when the data on microstructure and thermal conductivity for each type of MOX fuel are available, new analysis will be made using these information. In addition, FGR model constants will be derived from the measured fuel centerline temperature, rod internal pressure and other related data.
