신뢰 센터 기반의 안전한 이동 에이전트 전송 프로토콜

A Trust Center Based Secure Mobile Agent Transfer Protocol

  • 한승완 (전남대학교 전산통계학과) ;
  • 임형석 (전남대학교 전산통계학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


A mobile agent is a program which is capable of migrating autonomously from host to host in the heterogeneous network, to perform some computation on behalf of the user. Mobile agents have many advantages in the distributed computing environment. But they are likely to suffer many attacks on the security due to the mobility. In order to make use of a mobile agent in the real applications, the security issues must be addressed. We deal with the problem which is concerned with protecting a mobile agent in transit and detecting a mobile agent clone. In this paper we propose a trust center based secure mobile agent transfer protocol. This protocol transfers a mobile agent securely from host to host and detects a mobile agent clone. We further show the security of the protocol against many attacks.
