Proceedings of the IEEK Conference (대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1999.06a
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- Pages.853-856
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- 1999
Loop modeling of VDSL system and performance evaluation of DWMT data transmission
VDSL System의 선로 모델링 및 DWMT 전송방식의 성능평가
In this paper, for the performance evaluation of the discrete wavelet multitone based VDSL modem we have studied VDSL system test loops(VDSL0 - VDSL7) that are proposed by ANSI T1E1.4. In addition, we have modeled the damage factors of the transmission channel and evaluated the data transmission performance of VDSL transmultiplexer based on DWMT in conjunction with the VDSL test loops. For each M-PAM signaling we have evaluated the SNRs that satisfy BER 〓 10