해안 매립지역의 EPS 성토공법 적용

Applications of the EPS Embankment Metod to Earth Fils at the Seaside

  • 장용채 (정회원, 목포해양대학교 해양및조선공학부) ;
  • 조성민 (한국도로공사 도로연구소 지반연구실 책임연구원) ;
  • 이유옥 (전라남도 율촌산단개발사업소 공사감독)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


The expansion of old road is needed in construction the entrance at the $\bigcirc$$\bigcirc$I/C road in $\bigcirc$$\bigcirc$city. To strength the national competition, many agents who concerned do their best for finishing that construction early as soon as possible. In generally, soil embankment on soft foundation is caused to reduce the stability by making the settlement of ground surface due to the over load. Thus, we try to make it stable by building EPS embankment construction which in our working place is one kind of the method of light embankment construction after excavating the original ground.
