로지스틱스의 진화에 대응한 항만의 발전 전략에 관하여(1)

On the Development Strategy of the Container Port coping with the Innovation Process of Logistics

  • 이철영 (정회원, 한국해양대학교 물류시스템공학과) ;
  • 여기태 (정회원, 양산대학 교통물류정보과) ;
  • 김현 (정회원, 부산신항만 주식회사)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Recently, leading edge companies use the Supply Chain Management as a competitive weapon to secure and maintain customer loyalty. As a consequence, they are concentrating resources on the company's core business and employing strategic alliances with third-party providers to ensure the company provides its customers' desired logistics service levels at acceptable costs. Under this circumstances, this paper surveys the third party logistics as a loading edge logistics industry coping with the progress of the supply chain management. The status and the type of the TPL including the Forwarder are analyzed in the view point of global logistics. Also, the development strategy of third party logistics in the future is suggested.
