한국진공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference)
- 한국진공학회 1999년도 제17회 학술발표회 논문개요집
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- Pages.65-65
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- 1999
The Influence of He flow on the Si etching procedure using chlorine gas
- Kim, J.W. (Department of Physics, Sun Moon University) ;
- Park, J.H. (Department of Physics, Sun Moon University) ;
- M.Y. Jung (Research Center for Atomic Scale Surface Science, Yon-Sei University) ;
- Kim, D.W. (Department of Physics, Sun Moon University) ;
- Park, S.S. (Department of Physics, Sun Moon University)
- 발행 : 1999.07.01
Dry etching technique provides more easy controllability on the etch profile such as anisotropic etching than wet etching process and the results of lots of researches on the characterization of various plasmas or ion beams for semiconductor etching have been reported. Chlorine-based plasmas or chlorine ion beam have been often used to etch several semiconductor materials, in particular Si-based materials. We have studied the effect of He flow rate on the Si and SiO2 dry etching using chlorine-based plasma. Experiments were performed using reactive ion etching system. RF power was 300W. Cl2 gas flow rate was fixed at 58.6 sccm, and the He flow rate was varied from 0 to 120 sccm. Fig. 1 presents the etch depth of si layer versus the etching time at various He flow rate. In case of low He flow rate, the etch rate was measured to be negligible for both Si and SiO2. As the He flow increases over 30% of the total inlet gas flow, the plasma state becomes stable and the etch rate starts to increase. In high Ge flow rate (over 60%), the relation between the etch depth and the time was observed to be nearly linear. Fig. 2 presents the variation of the etch rate depending on the He flow rate. The etch rate increases linearly with He flow rate. The results of this preliminary study show that Cl2/He mixture plasma is good candidate for the controllable si dry etching.