콘크리트내 철근위치검출을 위한 레이더화상처리기술

Rader Image Processing for Locating of Reinforcing bars in Concrete

  • 박석균 (대전대학교 토목공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


Locating of reinforcing bars, in particular to know their accurate depths, is very important thing in radar inspection of concrete structures. By the way, a depth estimation of reinforcing bars in concrete structures by the radar is not easy because micorwave propagation velocity in test area is generally unknown. This problem can be solved by Generalized Hough transformation technique. Using this technique, the micorwave propagation velocity in test area can be detected from the radar image, which appear as hyperbolas conveying the velocity information in their shape. A developed speed-up technique for the computation of the Generalized Hough transformation is also investigated in this study. As a result, although it becomes difficult to locate reinforcing bars when multiple parallel bars lying too close together, there is a possibility of detecting accurate depths of reinforcing bars in test area by the proposed method.
