한국초전도저온공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics Conference)
- 한국초전도저온공학회 1999년도 제1회 학술대회논문집(KIASC 1st conference 99)
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- Pages.198-201
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- 1999
2단냉동기로 전도냉각되는 HTS전류도입선의 열역학 설계
Thermodynamic Design of HTS Current Leads Conduction-Cooled by 2-Stage Cryocooler
An optimal cooling method for HTS(high Tc superconductor) current leads has been analytically sought to minimize the required refrigerator power. The binary current lead is a series combination of a normal metal conductor at the warmer part and an HTS at the colder part. The lead is cooled by direct contacts with a two-stage cryocooler at the joint and at the cold end. It is clearly proven that there exists unique optimal values for the joint temperature and the current density to minimize the refrigerator power per unit current. the actual power input to the cryocooler in the optimal conditions is compared with its thermodynamic limit, and some significant issues in practical design are presented with a useful graphical method.