환경농업지구 농촌개발과 관련한 21세기 농촌주거모델 "생태마을"과 유기농업의 국제적 동향

  • 손상목 (단국대학교 한국유기농업연구소)
  • 발행 : 1999.11.01


There are severl types of Eco-village developed in abvanced countries including urban, suburban and rural style. For the establishment of Eco-village in Korea, it was focussed to introduce the rural style which has been developed inyersively in European countries such as Denmark, England and Germany. As a key cencept for Eco-villge it was explained briefly and discussed on the renewable energy(wind power park, bio-mass and solar energy collector and heating system), eco-architure, methane gas device, living machine (wastewater treatment facility) and organic farming. It was also discussed how important the basic standard and guidelines for organic agriculture to run essential for the system. For this reason major principles of international applicable standard(draft) for organically grown foods by FAO/WHO Codex alimentarius was shortly desidered. as one of very suitable type for Environmental Agriculture Districts Program which Korean govenment is going to establish in the near future. In conculusion it was also suggested that positive participation of organic famers, enthusiastic eneagement of inhabitans and support strategy of govemment /NGO groups might play very important role for successful managment of Eco-village ecologically sustainable after establishment.
