An Evolutionary Model for Automatically Generating Artificial Creatures of Various Shapes and Colors

  • Lee, Peisuei (Graduate School of Information Science & Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology) ;
  • Masayuki-Nakajima (Graduate School of Information Science & Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Published : 1999.06.01


This paper proposes an evolutionary model for automatically generating artificial creatures of various shapes and colors according to insect ecology. This model offers a novel way to naturally evolve the shapes and colors of artificial creatures. The evolutionary model used in our research is based on Genetic Algorithms (GA). In this paper, artificial Computer Graphics(CG) creatures develop into various shapes and colors according to the evolutionary model. Later, they can be used as CG animated characters. This model also solves the problem of reducing the time and labor cost for mass production of various characters. It could be used in such areas as the cavalry battle scene in Disney's animation, “Mulan”. Our approach has two steps. At first, artificial creatures move according to information gathered form the five senses. This information is also used for generating the shapes of the five sense organs[1]. Then, based on the GA, evolutionary mode[2], we prepare prototype creatures, which evolve into various shapes and different colors in alternating generations. Finally, our evolutionary model successfully generates various character shapes and colors automatically.
