L-모멘트 및 LH-모멘트에 의한 GEV 분포모형의 실계홍수량의 유도

Derivation of Design Flood by L-Moments and LH-Moments in GEV distributiion

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


This study was conducted to derived design floods by Generalized Extreme Value(GEV) distributiion for the annual maximum series at ten watersheds along Han, Nagdong, Geum , Yeongsan and Seomjin river systems. Adequency for the analysis of flood data used in this study was established by the test of Independence, Homogeneity , detection of Outliers. Coefficient of variation , skewness and kurtosis were calculated by the L-Moment, and LH-Moment ratio respectively. Parameters were estimated by the Method of L-Method of LH-Moment. Design floods obtained by Method of L-Moments and LH-Moments using different methods for plotting positions in GEV distributions and were compared with those obatined using the Method of L-Moments and LH-Moments by the Relative Mean Errors and Realtive Absoulte Errors. It was found that desgin floods derived by the method of L-Moments and LH-Moments using Cunnane plotting position foumula in the GEV distribution are much closer to those of the observed data in comparison with those obtained by methods of L-moments and LH-moments using the other formula for poltting postions from the viewpoint of Relative Mean Errors and Relative Absoulte Errors. In view of the fact that hydraulic structures indcluding dams and levees are generally usiong design floods with the return period of two hundred years or so, design floods derived by LH-Moments are seemed to be more reasonable than those of L-Moments in the GEV distribution.
