일본 농촌지역의 수질 보전

Water Quality Conservation in Rural Areas of Japan - Case Study of Rural Sewerage Project -

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


일본의 농촌지역에서의 수질보전과 생활개선을 위해 일본 농림수산성이 보조하는 농촌 오폐수처리사업을 소개한다. 특히 사업 시행의 배경, 사업의 장점 , 오폐수 처리기술과 문제점, 사업조직들을 다룬다.

In this presentation I would like to introduce the Rural Sewerage Project, subsidized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries $\alpha$UFF), for the purpose of water quality conservation and improvement onife in rural areas of Japan. Specifically, it will cover background information on the inauguration ofthe Project, its strong points, wastewater treatment technology and some of its problems, systems of t the Project, etc.
