임펄스응답 데이타의 펄스전달함수의 근사

Approximation of Pulse Transfer Function of Impulse Response Data

  • 이동철 (부경대학교 전기.제어계측공학부) ;
  • 배종일 (부경대학교 전기.제어계측공학부) ;
  • 정형환 (동아대학교 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.07.19


As a method of obtaining pulse transfer function. transfer function of discrete-time from input-output data, there are method of obtaining unknown parameter of pulse transfer function from estimated impulse response before(1-3). There is no need to approximate to several meanings because of not being established algebraical relations between impulse response for estimation error and parameter of transfer function exactly. In this paper, I inquire the method[4] of obtaining the optimal pulse transfer function as a meaning of Hankel norm approximation from impulse response data and examine estimated property as computer simulation from this method.
