Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Images를 이용한 뇌혈류량 지도 구성

Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping from Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Images

  • 김수정 (서울대학교 대학원 협동과정 의용생체공학) ;
  • 이선규 (가천의대 방사선과) ;
  • 김광기 (서울대학교 의과대학 방사선과학 교실) ;
  • 김종효 (서울대학교 의과대학 방사선과학 교실) ;
  • 민병구 (서울대학교 의과대학 의공학 교실)
  • Kim, S.J. (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, S.K. (Department of Radiology, Karchun College of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, K.G. (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, J.H. (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Min, B.G. (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.20


Recently, there has been growing interest in the assessment of physiological parameters on brain perfusion that provide more information than pure morphologic diagnosis. Quantification of parameters that characterize cerebral micro-circulation with magnetic resonance imaging is of great relevance for clinical application. We determine the local tissue concentration by exponential relationship between the relative signal reduction S(t)/$S_0$ and local tissue concentration of contrast material $C_m(t)$ in dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced MR imaging. And then we made relative regional blood volume map by calculating the area under the measured concentration-time curves $C_m(t)$ during first pass of paramagnetic contrast material as a preliminary step for perfusion map. These images make it possible to compare the rCBV in different brain regions in one individual at a time. We have it in contemplation to obtain arterial and brain signal time curves simultaneously to make absolute rCBV and perfusion (rCBF) map. These maps may provide the method of comparative investigations of different patients having strong variation in AIF.
