Product Model Exchange and Worldwide Manufacturing

  • Hardwick, Martin (Computer Science and President STEP Tools, Inc. Rensselear Polytechnic institute)
  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


ㆍ STEP is an International Standard (ISO 10303) - that defines the methodology to create computer interpretable product data models. ㆍ STEP Implementation - allows exchange and sharing of product data while retaining semantics throughout the product life cycle. ' STEP is in deployment - PDM data exchange at Boeing and others - Geometry data exchange at GM and others ㆍ The STEP community overcomes obstacles - “They will never finish the standard” (done 1994) - “They will never be able to transfer solids” (done 1995) - “They will never make solids transfer reliable” (done 1997) - “They will never implement all those Application Protocols”(TBD)(omitted)
