Informix Media Asset Management

  • Published : 1998.09.01


Who needs Media Asset Management? ◆ Publishers ◆ Any company publishing newspapers, magazines, catalogs or web sites. ◆ Content Creators ◆ Companies who create content for use in their business ◆ Broadcasters, Advertising Agencies, Studios, Sports Houses (NBA, NFL), Corporate Training Depts, Retailers ◆ Content Distributors ◆ Cable Operators, Telecoms, Internet Service Providers, Online Service Providers Who needs Media Asset Management? ◆ There's a LOT of money being spent on this kind of technology, and not just by 'media' companies ◆ Retailers, for catalogs, web sites, call centers ◆ Chems/Pharms, for drug. discovery, knowledge management ◆ Legal, for document and knowledge management ◆ Federal, for video surveillance and knowledge management ◆ Manufacturing, for integration of CAD, text and business-to-business applications ◆ Anyone with a Web/Content Management challenge(omitted)
