Effect of Changes in Vocal Fold Tension on Mucosal Wave

  • Yumoto, Eiji (Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery School of Medicine, Kumamoto University)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


Vocal fold vibration is essentially the propagation of a mucosal wave, starting from the lower surface of the vocal fold. The mucosal upheaval (MU), where the mucosal wave starts and propagates upward, appears only when the vocal fold vibrates. We investigated the location of the mucosal upheaval in response In variations in vocal fold tension. Vibrations were elicited under three conditions: during bilateral thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle contraction, without TA muscle contraction and during vocal fold lengthening. TA muscle contraction was obtained by direct electrical stimulation of the muscle. The vocal fold was lengthened by cricothyroid (omitted)
