국가혁신체제의 유형분류 - OECD회원국의 연구개발구조를 중심으로-

A Taxonomy of National Systems of Innovation based on the R&D stricture of OECD member economies

  • 박용태 (서울대학교 공과대학 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Since the advent of conceptual prototype and seminal application, the notion of national systems of innovation(NSI) has drawn an increasing recognition. Although the morphological entanglement is still ubiquitous and the theoretical underpinning is fragile, NSI seems to be the last step toward an increasingly complex and encompassing concept of innovation research. Inevitably, NSI necessitates the comparative analysis in that it normatively attempts to draw best practices. Unfortunately, national profiles are too complex and diverse to derive a unified, concrete representation of the system, posing the problem of defining and modelling NSI for international comparison. This paper aims at providing an inductive taxonomy of NSI based on R&D structure of OECD member economies. Based on the similarity among national profiles, clustering method was applied to identify seven clusters such as (1) enterprise-government funding and enterprise-education performing group, (2) enterprise-government funding and balanced performing group, (3) balanced funding and enterprise-education performing group, (4) balanced funding and performing group, (5) enterprise-dominating group, (6) government-education dominating group and (7) government-education funding and education performing group. This paper by nature is descriptive and exploratory. R&D structure represents a static snapshot of innovative performance since it accounts for only the input side of NSI and thus may not offer convincing explanations of the holistic innovation system. A more detailed and extensive analysis on the economic/technological performance across clusters will shed light on the promising avenue to future research.
