Remediation of Soil Surrounding Abandoned Metal Mine By Using Low Molecular Weight Organic Acid

저분자 유기산을 이용한 폐금속광산 주변토양 정화

  • Published : 1998.11.01


The efficiency of removing cadmium, copper, and lead from a contaminated soil of abandoned metal mine was studied in a laboratory investigation where citric acid were used to extract the metal from the soil. The contamination level of Pb, Cu in the soil A were 875.5, 667.5mg/kg respectively. The mobility and bioavailability of the metals in soil were also estimated by Sequential Chemical Extractions. Citric acid were examined for its potential extractive capabilities. Concentrations of the acid examined in this study ranged from 0.025 to 0.15M. The pH of the suspensions and S/S ratio in which the extractions were performed ranged from 2.4 to 8.1, and from 2.1:1 to 20:1. Results showed that the removal of contaminant using citric acid was pH and S/S raton dependent.
