ChlorophyII and suspended sediment specific absorption coefficient in the sea.

  • Published : 1998.09.01


Absorption coefficient per mass unit of particles, specific absorption coefficient, is one of main parameters in developing algorithms for ocean color remote sensing. Specific absorption coefficient of chlorophyll (a$^*_{ph}$) and suspended sediment (SS) were analyzed by "wet filter technique" and "Kishino method" for data sets observed in the Yellow and Mediterranean Seas. A new data-recovering method for the filter technique was also developed using spectrum slopes. This method recovered the baseline of spectrum that was often missed in the Kishino method. High a$^*_{ph}$($\lambda$) values in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea and low values in the Yellow Sea were observed, spanning over the range of 0.02 to 0.12 $m^2$/mg, at the chlorophyll maximum absorption wavelength 440nm. The empirical relationship between a$^*_{ph}$ and chlorophyll concentration was found to fit a power function, which was slightly different from that proposed by Bricaud et ai. (1995). Absorption specific coefficients for suspended sediment (a$^*_{SS}$) didn't show any relationship with concentrations of suspended sediment. However, the average value of a$^*_{SS}$ at 440nm was close to the specific absorption coefficient of soil (loess) measured by Ahn (1990). The more-pronounced variability of a$^*_{SS}$ than a$^*_{ph}$ perhaps can explain more wide range of size-distribution for SS, which were determined by their specific gravity and agitation of water mass in the sea surface.
