Activities for the Environmental Satellite Data Center at the Science University of Tokyo

  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


NOAA satellite data and GMS data have been received at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo since early 80's and 1994, respectively. So far, all data are archived and users can look their quick look images through the Internet and get the data by request. The following processed data set will be available soon with the corporation with the Science University of Tokyo: Radiometrically corrected by 65 code and geometrically corrected NOAA data with the corporation with Iwate University and NDVI, SST and cloud classified images as their products. 1 km AVHRR Land Project Data Set of Asia and their 14 regional subsets. Geometrically corrected GMS images and surface temperature maps, sea surface temperature maps and cloud classification maps.
