Surface and Interface Analysis with Medium Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscoppy

  • Published : 1998.02.01


Most of the surface/interface analysis tools have limited depth profiling c capability in terms of the profiling range and the depth resolution. However, M MEIS can profile the surface and subsurface composition and structure q quantitatively and non-destructively with atomic layer depth resolution. I In this presentation, the MEIS system developed at KRISS will be briefly d described with an introduction on the principle of MEIS. Recent MEIS r results on the surface and interface composition and structural change due to i ion bombardment will be presented for preferential sputtering of T:없Os and d damage depth profiles of SHooD, Pt(l11), and Cu(l1D due to Ar+ ion b bombardment. Direct observation of strained Si lattices and its distribution i in the SHool)-SiCh interface and the initial stage of Co growth on Pt(l11) w will be reported. H surfactant effects on epitaxial growth of Ge on Si(ooD w will be discussed with STM results from SND.
