Formation and Characteristics of the Fluorocarbonated SiOF Film by $O_2$/FTES-Helicon Plasma CVD Method

  • Kyoung-Suk Oh (Deppartment of pphysics Cheju National University) ;
  • Min-Sung Kang (Deppartment of pphysics Cheju National University) ;
  • Chi-Kyu Choi (Deppartment of pphysics Cheju National University) ;
  • Seok-Min Yun (Deppartment of pphysics Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technoalogy)
  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


Present silicon dioxide (SiOz) 떠m as intennetal dielectridIMD) layers will result in high parasitic c capacitance and crosstalk interference in 비gh density devices. Low dielectric materials such as f f1uorina뼈 silicon oxide(SiOF) and f1uoropolymer IMD layers have been tried to s이ve this problem. I In the SiOF ftlm, as fluorine concentration increases the dielectric constant of t뼈 film decreases but i it becomes unstable and wa않r absorptivity increases. The dielectric constant above 3.0 is obtain어 i in these ftlms. Fluoropolymers such as polyte$\sigma$따luoroethylene(PTFE) are known as low dielectric c constant (>2.0) materials. However, their $\alpha$)Or thermal stability and low adhesive fa$\pi$e have h hindered 야1리ru뚱 as IMD ma따"ials. 1 The concept of a plasma processing a찌Jaratus with 비gh density plasma at low pressure has r received much attention for deposition because films made in these plasma reactors have many a advantages such as go여 film quality and gap filling profile. High ion flux with low ion energy in m the high density plasma make the low contamination and go어 $\sigma$'Oss피lked ftlm. Especially the h helicon plasma reactor have attractive features for ftlm deposition 야~au똥 of i앙 high density plasma p production compared with other conventional type plasma soun:es. I In this pa야Jr, we present the results on the low dielectric constant fluorocarbonated-SiOF film d밑JOsited on p-Si(loo) 5 inch silicon substrates with 00% of 0dFTES gas mixture and 20% of Ar g gas in a helicon plasma reactor. High density 띠asma is generated in the conventional helicon p plasma soun:e with Nagoya type ill antenna, 5-15 MHz and 1 kW RF power, 700 Gauss of m magnetic field, and 1.5 mTorr of pressure. The electron density and temperature of the 0dFTES d discharge are measUI벼 by Langmuir probe. The relative density of radicals are measured by optic허 e emission spe따'Oscopy(OES). Chemical bonding structure 3I피 atomic concentration 따'C characterized u using fourier transform infrared(FTIR) s야3띠"Oscopy and X -ray photonelectron spl:’따'Oscopy (XPS). D Dielectric constant is measured using a metal insulator semiconductor (MIS;AVO.4 $\mu$ m thick f fIlmlp-SD s$\sigma$ucture. A chemical stoichiome$\sigma$y of 야Ie fluorocarbina$textsc{k}$영-SiOF film 따~si야영 at room temperature, which t the flow rate of Oz and FTES gas is Isccm and 6sccm, res야~tvely, is form려 야Ie SiouFo.36Co.14. A d dielec$\sigma$ic constant of this fIlm is 2.8, but the s$\alpha$'!Cimen at annealed 5OOt: is obtain려 3.24, and the s stepcoverage in the 0.4 $\mu$ m and 0.5 $\mu$ m pattern 킹'C above 92% and 91% without void, res야~tively. res야~tively.
