Experimental Techniques for Surface Science with Synchrotron Radiation

  • Jonhnson, R.L. (Institut fur Expperimentalpphysik Universitat) ;
  • Bunk, O. (Institut fur Expperimentalpphysik Universitat) ;
  • Falkenberg, G. (Institut fur Expperimentalpphysik Universitat) ;
  • Kosuch, R. (Institut furExpperimentalpphysik Universitat) ;
  • Zeysing, J. (Institut fur Expperimentalpphysik Universitat)
  • Published : 1998.02.01


Synchrotron radiation is produced when charged particles moving with relativistic velocities a are accelerated - for example, deflected by the bending magnets which guide the electron or p positrons in circular accelerators or storage rings. By using special focusing magnetic lattices i in the particle accelerators it is possible to make the dimensions of the particle beam very small with a hi맹 charge density which results in a light source with high b디lIiance. Synchrotron light h has important properties which make it ideal for a wide range of investigations in surface s science. The fact that the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted in a bending magnet e extends in a continuum from the 얹r infra red region to hard x-rays means that it is id않I for a v variety of spectroscopic studies. Since there are no convenient lasers, or other really bright l light sources, in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft x-ray re.밍ons the development of synchrotron r radiation has enabled enormous advances to be made in this di펌C비t spectr따 re밍on. P Polarization-dependent measurements, for ex없nple ellipsometry or circular dichroism studies a are possible because the radiation has a well-defined polarization - linear in the plane of orbit w with additional right-circular, or left-circular, components for emission an생es above, or below, t the horizontal, respectively. Since the synchrotron light is emitted from a bunch of charge c circulating in a ring the light is emitted with a well-defined time structure with a short flash of l light every time a bunch passes an exit port. The time structure depends on the size of the ring a and the number and sequence of filling of the bunches. A pulsed light source enables time¬r resolved studies to be performed which provide direct information on the lifetimes and decay m modes of excited states and in addition opens up the possibility of using time of flight t techniques for spectroscopic studies. The fact that synchrotron radiation is produced in a clean u ultrahi야 vacuum environment is of gr않t importance for surce science studies. The current t비rd generation synchrotron light sources provide exceptionally high baliance and stability a and open up possibilities for experiments which would have been inconceivable only a short time ago.
