양산단층의 구조운동과 한반도 주변 지구조사

Movement of the Yangsan Fault and Tectonic History around the Korean Peninsula

  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


To interpret the relationship between movement of the Yangsan fault and tectonics around the Korean peninsula, the six sequential paleostresses were reconstructed from 1, 033 striated small faults which were measured at 37 outcrops along the strike of the Yangsan fault. And, the relationship between these paleostresses of the Yangsan fault and the tectonic events around the Korean peninsula were compared. As compared with the tectonic history around the Korean peninsula, the movement of the Yangsan fault is interpreted as follows; The initial feature of the Yangsan fault was formed with the development of extension fractures by the NW-SE extension. The fault experienced a right-lateral strike-slip movement continuously. The movements had been continued until the Late Miocene age, which was the most active period in faulting. The left-lateral strike-slip movement was followed by subsequent tectonic events. In the last stage, the fault acted with a slight extension or right-lateral movement.
