Importance Of Tribology in Positive-Displacement Type of Fluid Machinery and Heat Engine

  • Nakahara, Tsunamitsu (Dep. Mechanical & Intelligent Systems Engineering., Tokyo Institute of technology, 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan)
  • Published : 1998.10.01


The industrial revolution in England was based on the manufacturing systems by the power of water mill and rapidly progressed by the innovation of steam engine. It is no exaggeration to say that today's civilization is realized by the development of various types of power machinery, namely fluid machinery and heat engine. The electric energy is converted mainly from thermal energy (mainly steam) of mineral oil, coal and nuclear fuel through generator connected with steam turbine which is a kind of power machinery. There are various types of power machinery as shown in Tables 1a and 1b. They are classified into two types by use. One is absorption type of fluid and/or thermal energy, for examples, windmill and heat engine. The other is provision type of the energies for examples, pump, compressor and propulsion. By flow type, they are also classified by two types, turbo type and positive-displacement type. The turbo type began from water mill and windmill and evolve to steam turbine and finally to gas turbine. The positive-displacement type started from reciprocating water pump and developed into steam engine and changed to reciprocating combustion engine. The pumps and motors used in oil hydraulic system for power control are also positive-displacement type.
