Mini-Teleoperation system with a Force-Feedback Haptic Interface within a Virtual Environment

가상환경에서 힘 반영 촉각장치를 이용한 소형 원격조정 시스템

  • 김대현 (조선대학교 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 김영동 (조선대학교 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 이현의 (조선대학교 공업전문대학 전자과)
  • Published : 1998.07.01


This Paper presents some of challenges of creating feedback force, through manipulation of master manipulator, allowing the user to feel objects within a virtual environment. A sense of touch for the virtual environment. A sense of touch for the virtual environments was generated by a virtual compliance control method. In theis system data communication between the master and slave, we used TCP protocol. In the experiments. A position error between the master and slave arm was about $13.56^{\circ}$ in case that the master and slave arm had not compliance properties of the virtual object, while they have the its properties the position error reduced by $2.43^{\circ}$.
