대한교통학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference)
- 대한교통학회 1998년도 제34회 추계 학술발표회
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- Pages.298-298
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- 1998
양방향 2차선 도로의 지체시간 산정 모형의 개발
Development of a Delay Estimation Model for Two-Lane Highway
The delay on two-lane, Two-way roads is a very important factor which tends to cause relatively high driver loads and too much delay often leads to traffic accidents. In this study a generalized form of delay estimation model was developed based on constant slow moving vehicle speeds, 100% no-passing zone, and flat terrain highway sections. To validate the model, a comparison was made with John Morrall's SMV(Slow Moving Vehicle)model as well as with TWOPAS model. Also a sensitivity analysis was performed to check accuracy of the model. It was found that the model was easy to apply and yet provided reasonable results for experimental conditions specified in the study. It was recommended that speed calculation procedure of the model be improved by further studies, so that the effect of speed acceleration or deceleration according to highway geometries on delay could be analyzed more accurately.