대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 1998년도 하계학술대회 논문집 B
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- Pages.681-683
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- 1998
ANFIS를 이용한 수평회전형 도립진자의 제어
Control of Rotary Inverted Pendulum using ANFIS
- Min, Hyun-Ki (Dept. of Control & Inst. Eng. Kwangwoon univ.) ;
- Ryu, Chang-Wan (Dept. of Control & Inst. Eng. Kwangwoon univ.) ;
- Ko, Joe-Ho (Dept. of Control & Inst. Eng. Kwangwoon univ.) ;
Yim, Wha-Yeong
(Dept. of Control & Inst. Eng. Kwangwoon univ.)
- 발행 : 1998.07.20
Fuzzy Inference System is to trans late and be concrete with human expert in to mathematical equation. It is easy to be applied for Nonlinear System and the know ledge can be applied at that. With using the rule according to the Knowledge, when it is realized simulations must be required repeatedly and small vibration is generated in steady state, too. In this paper, we applied the system to the methodology of optimization with self-learn ing by us ing ANFIS(Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System) which makes use of back-propagation and least square method at a first order Sugeno Fuzzy System. In order to show the effect of Algorithm, we demonstrated it by us ing Rotary Inverted Pendulum.